Skoro celu godinu je pozorišni umetnik Jožef Nad, u okviru svog Regionalnog kreativnog ateljea и Kanjiži, radio na postavci najnovije predstave Bez naziva. U kocki dimenzija 5x5 metara u trajanju od 80 minuta događa se koreografsko, estetsko i filozofsko istraživanje prostora intimnosti. Igraci, Jožef Nad i An-Sofi Lanselin, se bave istraživanjem sopstvene intimnosti - odnosa intimnosti i spektakla, ali i relacijom publike prema intimnosti, prostorima i izvorima intimnosti.
• RCA „Josef Nadj" & Kiosk Kanjlža - Beograd, Srbija / Kanjiža - Belgrade, Serbia BEZ NAZIVA / UNTITLED Koncept i režija / Concept and direction: Josef Nadj Igrači / Dancers: Josef Nadj, Anne-Sophie Lancelin Dizajn kostima i izbor muzike / Costume design and selection of music: Josef Nadj Izrada kostima / Costume maker: Aleksandra Pešić Scenski tehničar / Stage technician: Laslo Dobo Izvrsna produkcija / Executive production: Aleksandar Brkic, Milena Stojićevićfor KIOSK/PO, Zoltan Bičkei, Zoltan Balintfor Regional Creative Atelier “Josef Nadj" Organizacija / Organization: Jelena Piljić Odnosi s javnošću / Public relations: Tatijana Rapp Fotografija / Photography: Edvard Molnar Grafički dizajn / Graphic design: Popular This performance is part of the Intersection project in the cooperation with the Prague Quadrennial and the support of the Culture Program of the European Union.
Josef Nadj, theatre author, worked for almost a year in his Regional Creative Atelier in Kanjiža, to create his new performance Untitled. In a sxsm cube, during 80min, a choreographic, aesthetical and philosophical exploration of the intimacy takes place. The dancers, Josef Nadj and Anne-Sophie Lancelin, explore their own intimacy - the relation between intimacy and spectacle, the relation between audience and intimacy, and the spaces and the sources of intimacy.