
Frank Kastorf, nesumnjivo jedan od vodedh reditelja današnjeg nemačkog teatra koji smelo i neumorno istražuje nove prostore teatarskog izraza, prihvatio se komada Tri sestre koje je kombinovao sa poznatom Čehovljevom pripovedačkom prozom Seljaci. Za razliku od boljševika, pobednika u Oktobarskoj revoluciji, koji su smatali da je Čehov bio građanski pisac na strani buržoazije, Kastorf smatra da je Čehov svojom posetom Sahalinu u dalekom Sibiru i utiscima s tog puta pokazao koliko je bio svestan sudbine proletarijata i proletarizovanog ruskog seljaka. Reč je о osobenom pristupu Čehovu kakav se ne srece kod drugih savremenih reditelja u svetu. Frank Castrof, indisputably one of the leading directors in contemporary German theatre who is still applying courage and vigor in investigating new theatre expressions, has taken Chekhov's Three Sisters and combined it with story Peasants by the same author Unlike Bolsheviks, who came to power during the October Revolution, and who regarded Chekhov a bourgeoisie writer, Castrof thinks that Chekhov's visit to Sakhalin in the remote Siberia and his impressions from that trip prove that he was aware of the destiny of the proletariat and of Russian peasants on whom it was imposed. The approach to the work of Chekhov cannot be found in the work of any other contemporary theatre author. ★ FRANK KASTORF NA BITEFU / FRANK CASTORF ON BITEF 30 BITEF 96 Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin Pansion Selen Bitka / Pension Schollen Die Schlacht ‘Festival Grand Prix

Volksbühne am Rosa Luxemburg - Platz Berlin, Nemačka / Berlin, Germany Prema delima A. P. Čehova (Tri sestre i Seljaci) / Afer A. P. Checkov (Three Sisters and Peasents) U MOSKVU! U MOSKVU! / TO MOSCOW! TO MOSCOW!* Frank Kastorf raju / IVith: Trystan Pütter- Andrej Sergejewitsch Prosorow / Kirjak; Kathrin Angerer - Natalja Iwanowna /Fjokla / Klawdija Abramowna; Silvia Rieger - Olga; Jeanette Spassova - Mascha: Sir HenryVFjodor lljitsch Kulygin; Milan Peschel - Alexander Ignat Jewitsch Werschinin / Georges / Antip Sedelnikow; Lars Rudolph - Nikolai Lwowitsch Tusenbach / Nikolai Tschikildejew; Bärbel Bolle - Anfîssa / Babka; Мех Schlüpfer - Wassili Wassiljewitsch Soljony; Bernhard Schütz Iwan Romanowitsch Tschebutykin / Ossip; Flarald Warmbrunn - Alexej Petrowitsch Fedotik / Koch des Generals Shukow; Frank Büttner - Ferapont, Margarita Breitkreiz - Olga. Scenografija i nabavka kostima / Set design and Costumes Supp Bert Neumann Dizajn svetla / Light desigr Lothar Baumgarte Susie; Sir Henry Dramat / amatu Sebastian Kaiser Koprodukdja / Co-production by Volksbühne am RosaLuxemburg-Platz, International Chekhov Theater Festival, Wiener Festwochen and Goethe-Institut Moscow. Fotograf / Photogne,; Thomas Aurin Prevod na srpski i adaptaeija / Serbian translation and э daptatic п : Vera Konjović

*Originalni naslov / Original Title; Nach Moskau l Nach Moskau!