Dok se zavesa ne podigne, a Prometejev pejzaž odmota pred nama - јагко, zaslepljujuće svetlo sunca na horizontu, ispred kojeg je Prometej, heroj, žrtveno jagnje civilizacije, naizgled uhvaćen u mrežu, raščetvoren i zategnut debelim konopima kao izranavljeni Hrist. U tom krajoliku vajar radi sa rečima. Joroen Olieslagers je prekomponovao Eshilov mit; u osam monologa, on daruje glas stanovnicima planine Olimp koji udahnjuju život i ritam priči о heroju Prometeju и gotovo biblijskom stihu. Prenosi se jezik težak i gust, ponekad gotovo groznicav kao plamenovi koji sežu sve vise ka nebu. To je jezik bogova, koji kao grom odzvanja kroz mitski svemir. Heroj konačno stiže sa svog visokog položaja na Kavkazu i izaziva Zevsa пе plašeći se mogućeg mučenja, odupirud se bolu, s ponosom gledajud poniženju u oči. Ali - rasplamsala vatra, ukradena s neba, oslepela ga je za stvarnost oko njega. Njegovu vatru, taj dragoceni dar čovečanstvu, izgoreo je, ugasio i potrošio ljudski rod. Prometejsku vatru, sa svim njenim emancipatorskim potencijalom, ljudski rod je trampio za kodeks novih religija sa duboko usađenom
Until the curtain is raised and the Prometheus landscape unfolds before us; at the end, projected on the horizon, the bright, blinding light of the sun; in front the hero Prometheus, the sacrificial lamb of civilisation, seemingly caught in a web, quartered and strung up by thick ropes like a lacerated Christ, In that landscape, a sculptor is at work with words. Jeroen Olieslagers has recomposed Aeschylus' myth: in eight monologues, he gives voice to the inhabitants of ML Olympus who give breath and rhythm to the story of the hero Prometheus in near Biblical verse. The language comes across as heavy and dense, almost feverish at times like flames reaching ever-higher skyward. It is the language of the gods, which reverberates like thunder through the mythical universe Finally he arrives, the hero, from his elevated position on Mt. Caucasus, challenging Zeus, not afraid of what torture may result, resisting the pain, proudly staring humiliation in the eye But the blazing fire, stolen from heaven, has since made him blind to the reality unfolding before him. His fire, that evercherished gift to humanity, has been consumed, extinguished