NATAŠA RAJKOVIĆ i 8080 JELČIĆ jedan su od najpoznatijih i najnagrađivanijih pozorišnih tandema na hrvatskim i evropskim pozornicama. Od 1993. godine, kada su počeli svoj zajednički rad, istražuju alternative klasičnim i konceptualnim formama teatra. Njihova originalnost počiva na promatranju svakodnevnog života i osebujnoj obradi naoko običnih priča, kao i na jedinstvenom pristupu glumačkoj izvedbi. Pomaci koje ostvaruju unutar pozorišta kao medija, ali i unutarsopstvene estetike, ostavili su traga na mnogobrojnim projektima i time odredili trendove savremenog hrvatskog teatra. Višestruko nagrađivane predstave Promatranja, Usporavanja, Nesigurna priča, Radionica za šetanje, pričanje I Izmišljanje, S druge strane i Izlog takođe su gostovale i na brojnim renomiranim evropskim i svetskim festivalima i pozorištima. Autorski dvojac svoj evropski uspjeh potvrduje i nizom predstava koje je radio za pozorišne kuće kao što su Schauspiel Hanover i Teatarformen, THeater der Welt, Hau 123 iz Berlina, Neumarkt iz Ciriha, te Regionale 10 Austrija. Rajkovićeva i Jelčić takođe su autori dugometražnog filma Опо sve što znaš о meni, koji je svoju premijeru imao 2005. godine na Motovun film festivalu.
NATAŠA RAJKOVIĆ and 8080 JELČIĆ represent one of the most renowned and the most rewarded theatre duos not only in Croatia but in Europe as well. Ever since they started their cooperation in 1993, they have explored alternative approaches by the means of classical and conceptual theatre forms. Their originality stems from observations of everyday life and the unique treatment of seemingly ordinary stories, as well as from an original acting techniques. The shifts they make in the field of theatre as a media, but within their own aesthetics as well, have marked many projects and determined tendencies in the contemporary Croatian theatre. Multiply rewarded performances Observations, Slowing Down, Uncertain Story, Walking, Talking and Imagining Workshop, On the other Side and The Store Window have been invited to numerous European and world festivals and theatres. Many performances made for theatres Schauspiel Hannover and Theaterformen, Theater der Wels, Hau 123 from Berlin, Neumarkt Zurich, and Regionale 10 Austria, confirms the international success of the authors. Rajković and Jelčić have also made the film Everything You Know About Me which had its first screening in 2005, at Motovun Film Festival.