Zagrebačko kazalište mladih i Istarsko narodno kazalište, Pula Zagreb - Pula, Hrvatska
Zagreb Youth Theatre and Istrian National Theatre, Pula Zagreb - Pula, Croatia
Tekst i režija:
Ivana Sajko
16. septembar, 18:00 Bitef teatar Trajanje: 70'
Text and direction
Ivana Sajko
September 16 th , 18:00 Bitef Theatre Duration: 70'
Rose is je ljubavni motiv. Htela sam pisati о ljubavi uverena da je to i umetnički i politick! subverzivna tema potpuno van sistema i van ekonomija. Van riječi. Ljubav je, čini mi se, gotovo uvek prica о nedostatku ljubavi. U suprotnom prelazi u kič ili propoved. Htela sam pisati о ljubavi, ali ne kroz religiozne i melodramatske modele, već iz onog što ostane kad se maknu i dobro sročena tragična priča i Poslanice Korincanima Sv. Pavla. Ostane pokušaj. Stanje nasludvanja. Potreba za ljubaviju. Tekstualna i fizička. To bi bila tema. Pokušaj pisanja. Pokušaj izricanja ljubavi. I meni i likovima pripaoje isti tekst. Rose is a rose je autopoetički zaključak. Morala sam izneveriti notorni leksik romantike i ukazati na krhkost motiva, übiti simboliku u sebi ukazivanjem na nesporazume između reci i emoeija. Potreba je vrlo intimna. Kad pišem, sama izvedba pisanja jednako mi je bliska kao i ono о čemu pišem. Tekst je, barem meni, ultimativen dokaz da sam tu, и ovom trenutku, baš sad, pišem i stavljam tačku iza izjave što deluje kao zaključak, a zapravo je tek parafraza mog straha od smrti: tekst je nužan trag moje izvedbe. Таска. Razlozi za autoreferencijalnost, dakako, postoje i и savremenim izvedbenim praksama i teorijama, no ovde želim sačuvati ton ispovedi i pisati vlastiti tekst о tekstu.
Rose is is a love motif. 1 wanted to write about love in the belief that it is - artistically as well as politically - a subversive subject, outside any system and economy. Outside words. Love is, it seems to me, almost always a story about the tack of love. Otherwise it becomes a cliché or a sermon. I wanted to write about love, not in a religious, nor in a melodramatic mode, but from that which remains when both a well-made tragic story and St Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians are removed. What remains is an endeavour. A state of anticipation. The need for love. Textual and physical. That would be the subject. An endeavour to write. An endeavour to speak love. The same text was assigned to both myself and the characters. Rose is a rose is a self-poetic conclusion. I had to betray the notorious vocabulary of romance, foreground the frailty of motifs, and kill the symbolism within me by pointing out the misunderstanding between words and emotions. The need is highly intimate. When I write, the very act of writing is as close to me as my subject. The text is, at least for me, the ultimate proof that I am here, at this very moment, right now, writing, putting a full stop after a statement that seems like a conclusion, while it is actually but a paraphrase of my fear of death: the text is a necessary trace of my act. Full stop. The reasons for self-referentiality are, of course, to be found in contemporary performance practice and theory, but I prefer to keep the confessional tone here and write my own text about the text.