Hartefakt fond i Bitef teatar Beograd, Srbija
Selma Spahić
17. septembar, 17:00 Bitef teatar Trajanje; 100'
Hartefact fund and Bitef theater Belgrade, Serbia
Directed by:
Selma Spahlć
September 17th, 17:00 Bitef Theatre Duration: 100'
„Svi veruju da im je mišljenje о politic! utemeljeno na razumu, iako su и stvarnosti ta mišljenja usađena и detinjstvu, рге nego što smo i shvatili šta se događa. Odrastao čovek je dete koje je patilo." N. Hjuston
Hipermnezija je pojačana sposobnost pamćenja određenih događaja. Pojačana sposobnost pamćenja je najćešće povezana sa afektivno obojenim stanjima (izrazito ugodna ili neugodna iskustva). U životu često želimo da zaboravimo neke neugodne situacije iz svojih života, ali nam to otežavaju intenzivne emocije koje prate naša sećanja...
Dokumentarno pozorište, jer je istovremeno uzbudljivo i uznemirujuće. Dokumentarne predstave koje sam gledala u ргоteklih nekoliko godina su na poseban način utjecale na mene (predstave Rimini Protokolle, Sanje Mitrović, lllay den Воега, u određenoj mjeri i Need Company...). Specifično su pozorišno istinite; pored toga što gledate i slušate о događajima koji su se stvarno odigrali, autori i autorice u pravilu istraže dijelove svoje biografije koji se teško priznaju. Meni je и pozorištu upravo to najuzbudljivije - spremnost da se suočiš sa vlastitim mrakom, strahovima, predrasudama, vlastitom mržnjom i vlastitim zrnima zla. Jer to svi imamo, bilo osvješteno ili ne. I tu za mene leži i društvena odgovornost u pozorištu. Ü određenom smislu suočavanje - prvo pojedinačno i vlastito, da bismo mogli govoriti о kolektivnom. Intimna historija. Mene je upravo to zanimalo. Ona je za osam ljudi koje. gledamo па sceni nužno obilježena ekstremnim društveno-političkim okolnostima. Ali i dalje me je zanimala intimna historija. Dobro, historijske činjenice su tu (iako ih sukobljene strane različito tretiraju), ali šta se tebi događalo? A tebi? Kako si ti to tada vidio/vidjela, sa pet, deset ili trinaest godina? Znala sam da ću spajanjem ljudi iz Sarajeva, Beograda i Pristine i bavljenjem njihovim biografijama nužno
"Everyone believes their political opinion is based on reason, although all these opinions are really rooted in childhood, before we've even understood what's happening. A grown man is a child that suffered." N. Huston
Hypermnesia is the enhanced ability to remember certain events. As a rule, the enhanced memory is associated with affective states (markedly pleasant or unpleasant experience). We often want to forget some unpleasant situation in our life, but intense emotions accompanying our memory make it difficult...
Documentary theatre because it is both exciting and disturbing. Documentary productions I saw over the past few years affected me in a special way (productions of Rimini Protocol, Sanja Mitrović, lllay den Boer and to a certain extent Needcompany.J They are theatrically authentic in a specific way; not only do you listen and watch events which truly happened; their authors, as a rule, explore parts of their life which are difficult to own up to. To my mind, this is the most exciting thing about theatre: the readiness to confront one's own darkness, fears, prejudices, one's own hatred and grains of evil. We all have it, knowingly or not. And that is where, for me. is the theatre's social responsibility. In a sense, facing up - first individually, with oneself, so that then we could speak about the collective. Intimate history. That is what intrigued me. For the eight people we watch on the stage it cannot be but marked by, socio-political circumstances. But I was also interested in their intimate history. Right, historical facts are there (even if the parties to the conflict approach them differently), but what happened to you? And to you? How did you see it then, when you were five, ten or thirteen years old? I knew that by bringing together people from Sarajevo, Belgrade and Pristina and addressing their biographies I could not avoid the political context. I wanted it to be present in the production just as much as it marked the lives of eight