
Mestno gledališče ljubljansko Ljubljana, Stovenija

Tenesi Vilijams



Ivica Buljan

18. September, 20:00 Atelje 212 Trajanje: 140'

Ljubljana City Theatre Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tennessee Williams


Directed by:

Ivica Buljan

September 18 th , 20:00 Atelier 212 Duration: 140'

Najveća plantaža u delti Misisipija. Njen vlasnik tata Polit slavi šezdeset peti rodendan. On sluti da mu život izmiče. Pitanje koje visi и vazduhu je uobičajeno i jednostavno; kome od dva sina da zavešta imetak? Od starijeg sina, Gupera, uspešnog pravnika i oca petoro dece, tata Polit vise voli mladeg, Brika, bivšeg ragbi igraca i sportskog komentatora, koji se od smrti prijatelja Skipera odao piću. Za to što se Skiper, кода su za Brika vezivala duboka prijateljska i, najverovatnije, i skrivena homoerotična osećanja, propio i übrzo zatim umro, Brik posredno krivi svoju ženu Megi. Brik sve dublje tone u apatiju i ovisnost od alkohola, odbija intimni odnos sa ženom, te ona ne može da postane majka i naslednica. Ali, Megi je spremna na boj. Objavljuje lažnu vest о trudnoći, јег neće vise da bude mačka na usijanom limenom krovu.

The largest cotton plantation in the Mississippi Delta. Its owner. Big Daddy Pollitt, celebrates his fiftieth birthday. At the same time he feels that his life is coming to an end. The question looming above all of them is quite classic and a very simple one: which of his two sons will inherit his wealth? The eldest, Gooper, is a succesful lawyer and father of five, but Daddy Pollitt prefers his younger son. Brick, former football player and sports comentator that has been drowning his sorrow in the bottle ever since his friend Skipper had died. Skipper, who had strong and most probably latent homosexual feelings towards Brick, drank himself to death, and Brick at least partially blames his wife Maggie for this. As his apathy increases, along with his alcohol addiction, he refuses to be intimate with her, and destroys her hopes of being a mother or inheriting the fortune. But Maggie throws herself into battle by falsely declaring she is pregnant. She no longer wants to feel like a cat on a hot tin roof.