
16+17 th


Concept and Choreography:

Dalija Aćin


The drawings according to choreographic


Siniša Ilič

Graphic design and paging according to

choreographic tasks:

Katarina Popovič


Station - Service for

Contemporary Dance, Belgrade 2012


was born in 1974. She graduated from ballet school "Lujo Davičo". She has acquired knowledge in contemporary dance through numerous workshops in Europe. She has presented her choreographic works at festivals in country and abroad (Impulstanz, URB Festival, Les Particules, Tanz im August, Tanztendenzen, Mladi levi, Tjedan suvremenog plesa, Oppia, Performa, BITEF, BELEF, Infant, etc.) She has cooperated with international choreographers. She received a prestigious award at Impulstanz festival - "Prix Jardin d'Europe" (2008) for the performance Handle with Great Care, Sterija award for the movement in the performance Workers Die Singing and Metamorphoses, award for the best performance for children at MESS festival for the performance Book of Wandering (2008), as well as the awards for research in the area of border areas in theatre at Infant festival (2007) for the performance Handle with Great Care. She is the author of the performance for children Book of Wandering (2008), which was awarded at TIBA festval, and the performance Some Very Important Things (2010) for babies. She is a cofounder and a coordinator of Station - Service for Contemporary Dance, as well as a co-founder of the programme n omad Dance Academy.


works in the area of fine arts and performing arts. In his works, he deconstructs social phenomena and mechanisms such are forms of work, violence in society, concepts of education. His works are often oriented towards team self-organization and cooperative projects with authors from various artistic fields, visual arts, but also from the area of theory, theatre, performing arts. He is a co-founder and a member of TkH (Walking Theory), a theoretical and artistic platform from Belgrade. He has obtained his Bachelor and his Master degrees in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. He was born in 1977. in Belgrade.

was born in Belgrade, in 1974. She works as a freelance artist and a graphic designer. She declares herself to be a visual maker and cultural worker. Since 2007, she has cooperated with TkH (Walking Theory) - an independent platform for performing theoretical-artistic activism. She cooperates with numerous participants in independent artistic scenes in the region, in the capacity of the designer of numerous books, journals and publications in the field of art and culture. For further information about her work:


This text outlines the topics raised by the decision of Dalija Adn, the choreographer and Siniša Ilič, a visual artist, to realize their cooperation, the performance Exercise for Choreography of Attention 'Point of No Return', through a book. Theatre situation is simple. A part of audience is seated in chairs, reading the book, while the other part of the audience is observing them. At some point, these two groups switch their roles. The duration of the performance is not limited but ends when everyone finishes reading the book. The performance is realized as exercise for choreography of attention - a series of incidental behavioral micro-performances induced by the reading of the book. The audience, positioned here as the only performer, is in both its roles actually on the constant search for the performance. Here, the performance is, first of all, the performance of the author in the book itself, the performance which is suspended in time and graphically presented - drawing as a performance, text as a performance, the dance of visual artist and the graphic designer to textual propositions of the choreographer, etc. After that comes the performance initiated by the information about the performance - the recognition of the performance role of the audience, and the joined performance of the theatre situation. Finally, the performance exists as every single imaginai and perceptive response of the audience to the inductions from the book - a mental performance of visually-textual template. In this exercise, attention is firstly directed to the book as an unexpected interface of participation in theatre situation. The book, the exercise book, is in this case neither a performer nor an instruction; it is a sort of inductor, a regulator of the performance. Depending on the content and the shape of the book, and through the interaction with it, in the course of reading, the performance is created. Reading of a book is usually not a public but an intimate and individual act, and yet, the readers of the same book are virtually united - in huge time and space intervals - in a kind of community. In this case, the book is taken into public space, i.e. the book as an interface of performance becomes a public space of a kind. The private act of book consuming becomes an act of fellowship in a public space - theatre.

Bojan Đorđev


Who would want a mom like mine; 44 Bitef 10 Handle with great care; 41 Bitef 07 Echoes of Silence; 36 Bitef 02