
Between 13 th February 2012 and 21 st February 2012 Milan Markovič and Maja Pelević joined the Democratic Party of Serbia, the United Regions of Serbia, the Social Democratic Party, the Democratic Party, the Liberal Democratic Party, the Serbian Progressive Party and the Socialist Party of Serbia. In no time at all they became members of boards of culture in most of these parties and in some of them were short-listed for prominent offices. Upon admission, Milan Markovič and Maja Pelević presented to their new party fellows a text called Idea, Strategy, Movement about their ideas regarding the party marketing strategy. The text was received very well in all the parties. The text, in fact, was made of fragments from Josef Goebbels's text Knowledge and Propaganda of 1928.

The public reading of the text They live was scheduled for 17 th March 2012 at Scena Studio of the Yugoslav Drama Theatre. On 15 March, after everything had been agreed upon, the authors were informed by the management that the reading was being postponed and asked to show them the text. After that, the public reading of the text They live at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre was cancelled. The public reading took place at the Cultural Centre Dorn Omladine Belgrade on 8 April 2012.

Janko Oven

Vuk Tošić

The information about the project is on blog, on

17+18 th



was born in 1978. He graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. His plays were produced in Serbia and the United Kingdom and read publicly in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia and published in Slovenian, English and German. He did dramaturgical work for productions in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Denmark. Produced plays: The Bench; Green House; Good Morning, mister Rabbit; The Good Boy; Long Live Labour; Marko, like Kraljevič/ Look Here; Maja and Me an Maja. His play Green

House was awarded at the competition of the Menchenbuhne Theatre in Vienna. His play The Good Boy won Slobodan Selenič Award. In 2007-2010 he was the coordinator of the project called New Drama at Sterijino Pozorje Since 2008 he has been on the editorial boar of the magazine "Scena". In 2010 Markovič participated in the project We Are Too Many (Bitef Theatre, concept and choreography by: Dalija Aćin) and performed real-time stage intervention in Who Would Want a Mom Like Mine ( Little theatre “Duško Radovič" concept

and choreography Dalija Aćin). ln 2012 he participates in the performances They Are Alice and Performing The Wedding in cooperation with Nina Matthis, coproduction with Per. Art and Kolektiv/Kolektiv. Markovič is the founder and editor of the archival site www. dedicated to the promotion of new playwriting and stage expression.