ff Nudity, torture, intellectual terror and murder - Kernel Mundruczo confronts the spectator mercilessly with violence. (...) It may not be real blood that flows on stage, but watching this reality-show hurts. (...) Moments of sentimental yearning emerge in the musical interludes, when the actors in the lorry begin to make music with anything that comes to hand, be it a dustbin, an iron or a sewing machine.
A fathomless abyss, in which people are tortured without restraint. It all happens on two lorries, we are speaking of human trafficking. The women are going to Western Europe in hope of a better future, but there they will be used, soon be living as slaves, until finally, completely stripped of their rights, they become the suffering subjects of sadistic humiliation. Recklinghausen Zeitung
If Breathtaking, East-European hardcorereality theatre. Der Standard
YVETTE BfRO is an essayist, screenwriter, and professor emerita in New York University Graduate Film School She worked on a dozen prizewinning films with noted directors (Jancso, Fabri, Makk) in her native Hungary. She recently wrote scripts, one based on Nobel Laurate Jose Saramago’s The Stone Raft and for acclaimed European coproductions: Johanna and Delta directed by Yvette Biro. Yvette published numerous essays and ten books on film, translated into seven languages. Her last book Turbulence and flow in film came out recently both in French (2007) and English.
KORNEL MUNDRUCZO was born in 1975, in Hungary. He studied at the Hungarian University of Film and Drama and is now a renowned European film-director, whose films premier at the most prestigious festivals all over the world. He has been working for the stage for some years now, with Kretakor Theatre, National Theatre of Hungary, Thalia Theater Hamburg, Schauspiel Hannover and TR Warsawa among others, but basically whenever he finds a topic, a group or a venue which inspires him. During the working process he tries to build a team and often ends up inviting some of the same actors, who become creative partners. It is with them that he devises the productions. After freelancing with more or less the same group of people for several years, in 2009 he founded his independent theatre company, Proton Theatre together with Dćra Buki.
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