
★ PERIŠA PERIŠIĆ is a dramaturge, playwright, scriptwriter, theatre and film critic. He studied at the Faculty of Drama Arts in Belgrade, at Dramaturgy department, and at the Faculty of Political Sciences, at Diplomacy department. He cooperated with Yugoslav Drama Theatre in 2008, at the performance The Dreamers by Robert Musil, directed by Miloš Lolić, which won Grand Prix Mira Trailović at 43 Bitef 09. In the same theatre, he cooperated with the same director in 2012 at the performance Othello, by William Shakespeare. On the occasion of the First World centenary (13/13) he was invited as a dramaturge on the stereo docudrama The Night of Gavrilo Princip, directed by Miloš Lolić, in Maxim Gorky Theatre in Berlin. He was a co-author, co-librettist, and a narrator in the stage cantata Atlas, by composer Anja Đorđević, staged by Aleksander Denić in the production of Jugokoncert (YDT, 2008). As an

expert on the work of Oscar Wilde, he was a dramaturge and the editor of the translation of the play The Importance of Being Ernest, directed by Nikola Zavišić (National Theatre in Belgrade, 2012). With Jasmina Holbus, a stage designer and a poet, he cooperated on multimedia projects in the capacity of the author of dramatisation, presentation, and interpretation of her poetic trilogy Bela - Compass - Restlessness, and other. His reviews, critiques, essays, and translations have been published in numerous journals, and he has also written for Bitef bulletin for many years, and edited it in 2008. He translates from English for publishing house Rende. As a copy editor and proof-reader, he cooperates with translator Bojana Denić on the translations of contemporary German and Austrian dramatists (Roland Schimmelpfennig, Philipp Löhle, Wolfram Lotz...). He has recently been in Vienna where, in the capacity of artist-in-residence at MuseumsQuartier, he explored the subject of post-drama in correlation with modern visual art in work and persona of Elfriede Jelinek (.What Would Jelinek Do; 2013).

★ ULLA KASIUS (Stockholm, 1951) is a stage designer, costume designer and a director. She has worked for forty years in theatre, opera, on film and exhibitions as a freelance artist. She has cooperated with big institutions and small theatre troupes, participating thus in over a hundred and fifty productions. She worked as the stage designer at Dramatiska Institutet for ten years. She won the award for exhibition and the performance August Strindberg and two awards at the event World Stage Design in Cardiff in 2013 for her work Utopia in Backa theatre where she spent seven years cooperating with director Matiass Andersson.


48 Bitef 14
