Bitef, 01. 01. 2015., str. 30

„Lorenci... Od antike je uzeo ono što je od nje u istoriji Baikana preživelo: narodno epsko pesništvo, heksametar i guslanje priča o likovima i delima naših predaka. Zato je njegova llijada pre svega nekakav ljudski kabare u kome se na melos fantastične muzike Branka Rožmana mnogo peva, pleše i umire.” Katja Perat, Mladina

“Lorenci... He has taken all that Balkan has kept from the ancient tradition: folk epics, stories about our ancestors’ characters and deeds told in hexameters on bagpipes. That is why his Iliad has turned into a sort of human cabaret in which it is danced, sang and died to the fantastic music by Branko Rožman.” Katja Perat, Mladina