
ekstazu, ali ih to ne ispunjava već, naprotiv, razvija strah, nesigurnost, bespomoćnu čežnju za iskustvom stvarnosti. Reditelj je ovu priču preneo iz savremenog enterijera u prostor neke bizarne, rasturene pastorale, s veštačkim jezerima, livadama i divljim životinjama, dok su protagonisti obučeni, od glave do pete, u kostime koji predstavljaju gola ljudska tela, što sve zajedno stvara utisak krajnje treš scenske poetike. Svet ovih mladih ljudi jeste jedna spektakularna arkadijska laž - nalik savremenom zapadnom svetu beskonfliktnosti i blagostanja (za one privilegovane).,. Reditelj Ersan Mondtag (pravo ime Ersan Ajgun) mlad je (29). turskog porekla, roden i živi u Berlinu, i najveća je zvezda u usponu pozorišta na nemačkom govornem področju (dve njegove predstave, uključujuči i bernsku, učestvovale su na vodečem nacionalnem festivalu, Teatertrefen), ali njegov rad još uvek nije poznat široj medunarodnoj javnosti. Učestvovanje čak dve njegove predstave na 51. Bitefu biče prvo veliko medunarodno predstavljanje rada ovog talentovanog mladog umetnika, za koga smo sigurni da če veoma brzo ostvariti i svetski uspeh. Predstava Istrebljenje sjajno završava „epsko putovanje", koje čini suštinu dramaturgije 51. Bitefa: od kosmogonijske vizije nastanka sveta, one iz grčke mitologije, sa svim užasima, Strahovima, nadama, radostima i ushičenjima koje je ona sobom nosila, do totalne dekadencije tog sveta, prikazanog u vidu jedne rastočene, impotentne i treš pastorale. Ivan Medenica, umetnički direktor Bitefa

myths; a number of them are of an epic duration too, thus conforming to the durational performance concept. if one adds that resorting to epical material is, in fact, a specific “trip" to the past and that the long duration puts the audience in a unique psychophysical state, a kind of dizziness, hallucinations, then all the arguments explaining the slogan of the 51 st Bitef: Epic Trip are there. The Epic Erip at the 51 st Bitef ends with the production of The Extermination, also directed by Ersan Mondtag, based on the text by Olga Bach and performed by Konzert Theater Bern, Switzerland. The text of this very young author addresses the relationships among a group of young people who test and abuse all freedoms of modern Western society and experience ecstasy which, however, does not bring them happiness, but provokes fear, insecurity, helpless longing to experience the reality. The director has moved the story from the modern environment to the space of a bizarre, collapsing pastoral with artificial ponds, meadows and wild beasts, where the protagonists are clad, from head to toe, in costumes representing naked human bodies. It all creates the impression of extreme trash stage poetics. The universe of these young people is a spectacular Arcadian tall tale similar to the modern Western world free of conflict and brimming with well-being (for the privileged ones)... The director Ersan Mondtag (true name Ersan Aygun) is a young man (29) of Turkish origin, born and living in Berlin, and is the brightest rising star of the German-speaking theatre world, (two of his productions, including the Bern one, participated in Theatertreffen, the leading national festival). The broad international audience, however, is still not acquainted with his work. These two productions at the 51 st Bitef will be the first major international presentation of the work of this gifted young artist who will, we are positive, shortly score the worldwide success. The production titled The Extermination represents a splendid end of the “epic trip” to which comes down the dramaturgy of the 51 st Bitef: from the cosmogonic vision of the origin of the world in the Greek mythology with all its horrors, fears, hopes, joys and ecstasies to the total decadence of that world shown as a disintegrated, impotent and trash pastoral. Ivan Medenica, Bitef Artistic Director