
0 PREDSTAVI U pokušaju da na scenu postavi BibHju, kreativni tim voden rediteljem Jernejem Lorencijem, kao polazište uzima medusobno veoma različite biblijske tekstove. Medu njima su Pesma nad pasmama, Knjiga propovednikova, Knjiga preroka Jezeki/ja i Knjiga o Jovu. Svaki od tih tekstova bavi se nizom svojevrsnih pitanja 1 problema, i svaki na svoj način predstavlja izazov za postavljanje na scenu. Ima li igde bilo kakve skrivene univerzalne poruke? Možda se ona sastoji u večitoj ljudskoj težnji za bliskošču, u večnoj čežnji, krhkosti i potrebi čoveka da bude prihvačen, da ne ostane sam, u čovekovom odnosu prema Bogu i prema drugima... Pesma nad pasmama se, zbog svog erotskog naboja, jasno izdvaja medu odabranim tekstovima. BibHju, prvi pokušaj karakteriše izvanredan ansamblu ulogama Glumača. O AUTORIMA JERNEJ LORENCI (roden 1973. u Mariboru, Slovenija) režijom počinje da se bavi još kao srednjoškolac, u mariborskom Mrtvom gledališču. Diplomira 1999. s postavkom Sofoklove Antigone (1996). Godine 1997. učestvuje u osnivanju Pozorišne škole Prve gimnazije u Mariboru. Po završetku stadija, Lorenci počinje

ABOUT THE PRODUCTION In their attempt to stage the Bible, creative team led by the director Jernej Lorenci took Biblical texts marked by their diversity as their starting point. These include the Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher, Ezekiel and the Book of Job. Each of them sets its specific enquiries and problems, each of them can in its own way provoke theatre makers who make an attemp to stage it. Is there a universal message hidden anywhere? Perhaps it is an unending human need for a fellow person, one’s eternal longing, fragility and a need to be accepted, respected, appreciated, a need not to be left alone, one’s relationship to God, to the other person... Its erotic charge makes the Song of Songs the most remarkable feature of the selection. Bible, the First Attempt is characterized by an outstanding ensemble in the role(s) of Actors. THE AUTHORS JERNEJ LORENCI (born in 1973 in Maribor, Slovenia) started directing theatre performances as a secondary school student at the Dead Theatre Maribor. Following his graduation production of Antigone by Sophocles in 1996, he obtained his BA degree in 1999. In 1997, he co-founded the Maribor Grammar School Theatre School. Upon completeion of his studies, he began gaining experience as a theatre director in Slovenian, Croatian and Bosnian theatres. He was artistic director of the Ptuj City Theatre and received numerous national and international awards. In 2006, he was appointed assistant professor, and in 2007 associate professor of Theatre and Radio Directing at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana. His national and international awards include the following; the Maribor Theatre Festival Award for best production (S. Kane Cleansed, 2002, and The Crazy Locomotive, 2012 - SNT Drama Ljubljana), Grand Prix at the Golden Lion Festival in Umag (S. Kane Cleansed, 2002, SNT Drama Ljubljana), the Best Production Award at the Ex Ponto Festival (The Longing and Death of Sylvia Plath, 2002, Sarajevo War Theatre SARTR in co-production with the B-51 Society from Ljubljana, 2003), three Maribor Theatre Festival awards for best director (The Epic of Gilgamesh, 2006; text adaptation by Nebojša Pop Tasič, SMG,