
Bah mapiraju topografiju kraja vremena i strahova koji uz to idu, a koji trenutno vladaju zapadnim svetom poput epidemije. O AUTORKI OLGA BAH, rođena u Berlinu 1990, još se tokom srednjoškolskih dana (2004-2007), zajedno sa Ersanom Mondtagom priključila berlinskom pozorištu za mlade Grips Teatar. Zajedno su osnovali nezavisnu pozorišnu trupu pod nazivom „PE-Ensemble". Njen prvi komad, Vinvent, premijerno je izveden 2007. godine u nemačko-turskom pozorištu Tijatrom na Krojcbergu, kao I u pozorištu Balhaus Nauninštrase. Nakon nekoliko godina saradnje sa raznim pozorištima (medu kojima su Šaubine am Beniner Plač i Dojčes teater Berlin), postala je saradnik na Institutu Mask-Plank u gradu Jinka u Južnoj Etiopiji, gde je snimila kratki dokumentarni film Hamar. U periodu izmedu 2010. i

“Mondtag's productions are works of art. And as such, The Extermination is an excessive spectacle.” Michael Feller, Berner Zeitung "End of the world phantasy The Extermination is a visually convincing, imaginatively opulent picture of the world full of spectacular effects.” Geneva Moser, "While Mondtag, in many of his works so far had abandoned almost completely or completely the text, and thus showed himself to be a master of the ambiguous, he has now developed a quite clear text with his actors and the Berlin author Olga Bach, a text which states the boredom of the young generations, the surrogate for fantasies and desires, which demonstrates the longing for clarity, and maybe even for violence in their expression of thoughts and attitudes.” Sven Ricklefs, Deutschlandfunk Kultur