
DRAŠKO ADŽIĆ diplomirao je kompozicija u klasi Isidore Žebeljan na Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu, gde trenutno završava doktorske študije. Dela su mu izvodena u Srbiji, Kanadi, Portugaliji, Velikoj Britaniji, Holandiji, Belgiji, Italiji, Austriji, Češkoj, Poljskoj, Malti, Hrvatskoj, BiH, Makedoniji i Jermeniji, Sarađivao je sa sledečim ansamblima: Beogradska filharmonija. Simfonijski orkestar RTS, Cantus Ansambl, Metamorphosis, Gudači Sv. Đorđa, kao i sa mnogim drugim. Cesto komponuje za pozorište, film i televiziju i bio je autor muzike za preko trideset pozorišnih predstava u Srbiji i regionu. Nagraden je Sterijinom nagradom 2012, godine. Njegova muzika mogla se čuti na sledečim festivalima: Berlinale, Praško kvadrenijale, Maifestspiele Wiesbaden, Raindance, Gaudeamus, ISA PragWienßudapest, Biennale Zagreb, Bitef, Bemus, Sterijino pozorje, MESS, Fest i Cinema City. Pohadao je majstorske kurseve kod Hajnera Gebelsa, Najdžela Ozborna i Luke Frančeskonija. Zaposlen je kao asistent na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti i kao stručni saradnik na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu.

DRAŠKO ADŽIĆ has graduated from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade with a degree in composition and is currently finishing his PhD course under the supervision of Isidora Žebeljan. His pieces have been performed in Serbia, Canada, Portugal, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Malta, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Armenia. Some of the ensembles he has collaborated with include: the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, Serbian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, Cantus Ensemble, Metamorphosis, St George Strings and other. He often composes for theatre, film and television and has worked on over 30 theatre productions in Serbia and abroad. In 2012, he was awarded the Sterija prize. His music has been presented at festivals such as: Berlinale, Prague Quadrennial, Maifestspiele Wiesbaden, Raindance, Gaudeamus, ISA Prag-Wien-Budapest, Biennale Zagreb, Bitef, Bemus, Sterijino pozorje, MESS, Fest and Cinema City. He has attended masterclasses with Heiner Goebbels, Nigel Osborne and Luca Francesconi. He works as an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Music and at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade.