Chinese calligraphy : an introduction to its aesthetic and technique : with 6 plates and 155 text illustratons


PART of the text of this book was originally delivered A in the form of lectures, mostly at the School of Oriental

Studies, London University, during the time of the International Exhibition of Chinese Art in London, 1935-6, and to the China Society in London. I wish to express my obligation to my audiences, whose interest in Chinese calligraphy has impelled me to put my views on the subject together into book form. Mr. Cyril Goldie, of the L.C.C. Central School of Arts and Crafts, and Miss V. E. Hawkes, a teacher of the Royal College of Art, in particular assured me of the demand for such a book as this. Miss Hawkes, who teaches English calligraphy, suggested to me many important points on which English people interested in Chinese art would be glad of information. I am very grateful to her.

To Mr. Alan White, whose encouragement induced me to bring out my first book, The Chinese Eye, and who arranged for the publication of this one, it is impossible for me to express my gratitude. He has spent much time in rectifying my expressions, helping me to assemble the illustrations, and checking the proof. I owe him a particular debt.

I have also to thank several of my fellow-countrymen who . have helped me in various ways. Mr. Lin Sen, the President of the Chinese National Government, has been kind enough

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