Chinese calligraphy : an introduction to its aesthetic and technique : with 6 plates and 155 text illustratons


a closer study of calligraphy than the present work affords, the following

books, all of them obtainable from Chinese bookshops in Shanghai, Peip‘ing (Union Book Store), and Nanking, are recommended. I give only a handful of titles under each head because the available literature in each case is enormous and confusing.

‘OR those acquainted with the Chinese language and desirous of making

(1) On the Origin and Construction of the Characters and their Modifications.

ar (& Hsii Shen: 3 3C fF ‘ Shuo-Wén-Chui-Tzii’

38 47 # Hua Shih-Fu: BY 3 #8 索 — HE ‘ Kuo-Wén-Tan-So-I-Pan’

i # [ Chiang Shan-Kuo: 中 Bl 3c FS He ORR AE BH GK‘ ChungKuo-Weén-T 21i-Chih-Chi- Y iian-Chi-Ch't-Kou-Tsao ’

% iS 94 Li Szu-Mien: rp fl 2c 2 $8 3B BS Chung-Kuo-Weén-Tzt-PienChien- Kao

顧 實 Ku shih: 中 國 交 SF & * Chung-Kuo-Wén-Tzii-Hsiieh’

(2) On the Ancient Scripts.

#é de Fe Lo Chén-Yii: Ak He & 32 & FE‘ Vin-Hsii-Shu-Chi-Kao-Shih’

阮 JG Yuan Yiian: fq 4 PS Sh Wl BE PS Be RRS Chi-Ku-Tsai-Chung-TingI-Chi-Kuo-Shih’ i) HA 28 Ja] Kao-Titeng-Chung-Chou: 7 #4 #4 and 8 7 # ML ‘ Ku-ChouPien’ and ‘ Hsueh-Ku-Fa-Fan’

(3) Historical.

HK Ti Mi Fei: 2 38 ‘ Shu-Shih’

毛 & Mao Chin: ‘af Fl # #* ‘ Hsien-Ho-Shu-Pu?

陳 繼 ff Cheng Chi-Yu-: 2 2 # ‘ Shu-Hua-Shih’

陶 九 WK Tao Chiu-Ch’éng: 2 sh @ WE * Shu-Shih-Hui-Yao’

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