Chinese calligraphy : an introduction to its aesthetic and technique : with 6 plates and 155 text illustratons

IG. 29.—THE CHIN-KAN DOCTRINE 1 TAI-SHAN (dt 74 #& il) 4 HH #8)

The most famous stone engraving that er existed. 980 characters, each nearly o feet square, still remain undamaged. ney are considered to be an excellent »del for big poster characters

‘Collection of C. Y. Tseng, Nanking)



FIG. 30.—A STONE INSCRIPTION OF TSSUAN-PAO-TZU ($ #{ 子 @P) oF THE CHIN PERIOD In this style, the shaping of the strokes and the making of

the patterns are done in a peculiar, almost geometrical way. Some elements of K‘ai-Shu are incorporated

(Collection of Tsai Yii-Ting, Nanchang)

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