Chinese Journal of Physiology

92 C. PAK anv B. E. READ

the proportion of 100 to 78 to 563 respectively. Ephedrine is more toxic than ephetonin, and the latter is more toxic than pseudoephedrine.

2, By intraperitoneal injection in the hamster the M.L.D.- was 350, 310 and 310 mg respectively. This result as regards ephedrine and pseudoephedrine is similar to previous reports upon mice.

3. The M.L.D. of pseudoephedrine for frogs is 770 mg, for rats subcutaneously 680 mg, for gray rabbits subcutaneously 400 mg, intravenously 100 mg, for white rabbits intravenously 130 mg, and for dogs intravenously 130 mg.

4, Intravenously in the white rabbit the M.L.D. for ephedrine and ephetonin, are 50 and 70 mg respectively, which are identical with the ratio obtained in dogs, and even less than that in gray rabbits injected subcutaneously which require to produce death 230 and 360 mg, a ratio of 100 to 64. These figures contradict the statement that they are identical.


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