Chinese Journal of Physiology


TABLE 1. Effect of denaturation on acid-binding power of egg albumin 25 cc 0.73 per cent egg albumin+graded amounts of N/10 HCl or N/10 NaOH.

| Before heating After heating | | | | No. | N/10 HCl N/10 HCl | pH Or | pH of or N/20 NaCl | pHof | difference N/LO NaOH) solution N/10 NaOH added | solution | from added added control | ce ce ce 1 2.0 HCl 2.53 0,0 HCl 4.0 2.68 0,12 2 1.5 2.71. 0.5 4.0 2.64 0.08 3 1,0 3.03 1,0 4,0 2.61 0.05 4 0.8 3.19 1:2 4.0 2.59 0,03 5 0.6 3.4L 14 4.0 | 2.09 0,08 6 O+ 3.71 1.6 4.0 | 2.68 0,02 7 0.6 NaOH 9 46 2.6 2.8 2.61 0,05 8 0.7 10.13 eT 2,6 2.62 0,06 9 0.9 10.70 2.9 2.2 2.63 0.07 10 la 11.06 32 1.6 2.64 0.08 11 1.4 11,28 3.5 1.0 2,66 0.10 12 | 2.0 11.47 4,0 0.0 | 2.67 | O11 Unheated | control | 2.0 4.0 2.56 | | TABLE 2.

Effect of denaturation on base-binding power of egg albumin 25 cc 0.7 per cent egg albumin+ graded amounts of N/10 HCl or N/10 NaOH.

| Before heating After heating No. | N/10 HCL | N/10 HCl | pH or pH of or N/20 NaCl) pHof difference N/10 NaOH) solution |N/10 NaOH | added | solution | from added | added | control | I ce ce ce ] 2.0 ELC] 2.40 | 2.4 NaOH | 0.6 9.63 2 ed 2,47 Del 1.2 9.57 3 1.3 2.60 IL 2 2.0 943 4 | 1.0 2,50 1.4 2.6 9.57 5 0.8 2.97 1.2 3.0 9.68 6 0,8 3.30 0.9 3,6 9.77 7 0,16 NaOH 8.16 0,24 4.6 9,84 8 0.26 | 842 OA4 4.6 9.62 i) 0.4 9,30 0,00 4.6 9,53 10 0.6 9.88 0.20 HCl 4.2 9.09 11 0,8 | 10,46 0,40 | 3.8 9.01 12, 1.2 10.50 | 0,80 3.0 | 8,34 Unheated | | control | 0.4 | 4.6 10,05 |

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