Chinese Medical Journal


Table 5. Blood picture (Continued)

Platelet count No. of Percent- Bleeding No. of - Percent- Coagulation No. of Percent-

7yi00o Bet cases age time cases age time cases age Less é than 5 3 4.6 <4 56 86.2 < 12 24 38.7 5-10 26 40.0 => 4 9 13.8 > 12’ 38 61.3 10-15 18 27.7 Not recorded 3 15-20 12 18.5 Above 20 6 9.2

5. Liver function test. Analysis of the results of the various liver function tests in 63 cases (2 cases of mediastinotomy were excluded) showed elevation of the serum bilirubin in 25 per cent of the cases (Table 6), alteration of the serum albumin-globulin ratio in 30.2 per cent (Table 7), increased thymol turbidity in 55.6 per cent (Table 8) and diminished excretion of hippuric acid in 26.7 per cent (Table 9). Difference between

Table 6. Serum bilirubin

Serum Nona Abnormal Not No. of

bilirubin 1-2mg 2-3mg Percentage determined cases Intrahepatic 32 12 1 28.9 9 a4 Extrahepatic 7 0 0 0 2 9 Total 39 12 1 25 il 63

Table 7. Plasma protein

Plasma Normal : Abnormal No. of cases protein Slightly* Markedly** Percentage Intrahepatic 37 7 10 31.5 54 Extrahepatic 7 2 0 Se 2222, 9 Total 44 9 10 30.2 63

*The plasma albumin <3 gm per 100 ec, A/G ratio > 1, or the plasma albumin > 8 gMbut the A/G ratio <1 **The plasma albumin < 3 gm per 100 cc, and the A/G ratio <1!

Table 8. Thymol turbidity test

a , Abnormal x 3

hymo oO. 0

Vives Normal F

turbidity * 6-9 10 units * cases

units or more Percentage

Intrahepatic 21 17 16 61.1 54

Extrahepatic 7 2 0 22.2 9 Total 28 19 16 55.6 63