Chinese Medical Journal


jejunal loop were encountered. Both cases recovered after operative treatment.

2. The salient points in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of such internal hernias are briefly discussed.


1. McAllister, F. F., Internal hernia behind jejunal loop of a posterior gastroenterostomy, Ann. Surg. 128:1194-1198, 1948.

2. Stammers, F. A. R., Small-bowel obstruction following antecolic partial gastrectomy, Brit. J. Surg. 40:58-60, 1952.

3. Oldham, J. B., Small-bowel obstruction following antecolic partial gastrectomy, Brit J. oe 40 :625-626, 1953.

4. Stammers, F. A. R., Remarks on 15 cases of small bowel obstruction following antecolie partial gastrectomy and 1 case following retrocolic partial gastrectomy, Brit. J. Surg. 42:34-38, 1954.

5. Morton, C. B., Aldrich, EH. M., and Hill, L. D., Internal hernia after gastrectomy, Ann. Surg. 141:759-764, 1955.

6. Peterson, W., Uber Darmverschlingung nach der Gastroenterostomie, Arch. f. Klin. Chir. 62:94-114, 1900.
