Chinese Medical Journal

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The Use of Intradermal and Serological Tests in the Diagnosis of Schistosomiasis Japonica . . . . 2°. Chen Hsin-T’ao and Su Ko-Chin

a due to enone Hy ee Gastritis: Report of Three Cases 2 = Chien Chih-Chung

Avensis “Absinthium Poisoning "| = fae Ln ee Whang, Ping-Sen Spontaneous Pneumoperitoneum: Report of one Gass tons Se ees Chien Ta-Ch’un Rand Chow Lit. Bi Bronchogenic Adenocarcinoma . Clinical Pathological Conference, Departments of Medicine and Pathology, Shanghai. First Medical College

Hemophilia ... . . Clinical Medical Conference! ‘School Of Medicine, Shanauas ree Medical College Micromethod for Determination cf Blood Iron . . . . . Mao Liang

Zaks-Vigebsky’s Method of Rapid Serum Test for Diaenteis of Syphilis.

Chu Han-P’ ie ;

A Trocar for Intravenous Injection. . . . . . . . . Wang K’ung-Tse

CHINESE JOURNAL OF SURGERY (in Chinese), Vol. 3, No. 11, 1955.

Portacaval Anastomosis . . . . . . Tung Fang-Chung and Wu Sheng-Yi Gelatin Sponge: A Preliminary Report on Method of Manufacture and Clinical Application . . .-. . ° Shih Yii-Ch’iian and Chiang Ta-Chieh

Tumors of the Urinary Bladder < Shen Chia-Li, Hsiung Ju-Ch’ erg ‘Ch’ en | Chia- Piao ens Ho Tens -Ming

Biliary Aseariasis: Report of 35 Cases . . . See a. Hon ha =Che10

The Problem of Anesthesia and Postoperative Aualeeeis for Anal Operations Chang Min, Chien Chao- Ao, ee Yuan-Ming and Yin Meng-Ch’ao

Partial Nephrectomy 3 Ho Shang-Chih, Ts’ ao vue Feng, Ch’e en Pang- Tien eel An Shih- Yuan

Partial Nephrectomy . . . . . . . Yang Sung-Sen and Wang Chung-Ch’i Intra-Arterial Blood Transfusion . . - 2 se =. 2. Ho Kunang-Yang Appendicitis: An Analysis of 250 (oases sta et . .° . Ihang Chiung-P’u

The Management of Ana] Fistula: An Analysis of 314 Cases ‘ . Li Pao-Hua, P’an Chih and Ch’en von Min Tatrapenitoneal Instillation of Penicillin for Prophylaxis and Treatment of

Purulent Peritonitis’ , ... . . . oo. . . . . Kuan Yii-Chuo Experience in Right Thoracic Approach in the Operative Treatment of Carcinoma of Esophagus . . Li Hao, Chang Shen-Shing and Ch’en Yii-Ch’iian

Retroperitoneal Cystic Lymiphansioms: Report of a Case

a SSRI Gi ese cortices ae Hsii Chi-Ho ned Meng Huei Prophylaxis of Malignant Tumors: General Factors. . . .N. E. Nagnebida Prophylaxis of Malignant Tumors: Local Factors . . . . N. &, Nagnebida

CHINESE JOURNAL OF SURGERY (in Chinese), Vol. 3, No. 12, 1955. The Use of Epidural Anesthesia in Operations over the Upper Abdomen 3 Wu Chiieh, Fang Chao-Lin, Tung Shao-Hsien and Hsii Chen-Pang Anthrax of the Skin , Wang Shu-Tze, Ch en ‘Sung: wang and Chang Gherig: Wei Treatment of ence of Prostate . . . : . Wang Yi-Ching, Feng Choe Tae cael ‘Wu Ch’ onae A Werte Intestinal. Obstruction Caused by Ascariasis: Report of 20 Cases . oid ete Gar hee a Gan been ins G8 (Glan Pianeteng



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