Egyptian religious poetry, str. 86
[I suggest that this was recited by the priest and the singers, with a refrain by the congregation, and have divided the sentences accordingly.|
Priest. Hail to thee, Star of Ynu, Light in Kheri-aha, the Existent, more glorious than the gods.
StnGERS. Secret One in Ynu.
CONGREGATION. O grant to me a way of peace, for I am true, without falsehood or deceit.
Priest. Hail to thee, O Pillar in Yndes, Great One, Horus of the Horizon, who strides across the heavens.
Sincers. He is Horus of the Horizon.
CONGREGATION. O grant to me a way of peace.
Priest. Hail to thee, O Soul Eternal, Soul who is in Busiris, the Good Being, Son of the Sky-goddess.
Smncers. He is Lord of the Silent Land.
CONGREGATION. O grant to me a way of peace.
Priest. Hail to thee, O Ruler of Busiris, on whose brow the great Crowns are set.
SincerS. He is the Only One, he is the Protector, he rests in Busiris.
CONGREGATION. O grant to me a way of peace.
Priest. Hail to thee, Lord of the Acacia tree, when the Seker-boat is laid upon the bier.
Sincers. He has repelled the evil doer, and placed the Sacred Eye upon its place.
CONGREGATION. O grant to me a way of peace.