History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes, str. 331


tress, unless the offender shall give security to the satisfaction of such officer for his appearance at such place and time as shall be appointed for the return of the warrant of distress.

L. If upon the return of the warrant it shall appear that no Imprisonment if Sufficient distress can be had whereon to levy nosulficient distress. such fine, and the same shall not be forthwith paid, or in case it shall appear to the satisfaction of such officer, by the confession of the offender or otherwise, that he has not sufficient movable property whereupon such fine could be levied if'a warrant of distress were issued, any such officer may, by warrant under his hand, commit the offender to prison, for any term not exceeding two calendar months when the amount of fine shall not exceed Rs.50, and for any term not exceeding four calendar months when the amount shall not exceed Rs.100, and for any term not exceeding six calendar months in any other case, the commitment to be determinable in each of the cases aforesaid on payment of the amount of fine.


LI. Subject to the provisions contained or referred to in this Rules of procea- Act, the High Court shall make such rules and ure of Farsi Matri- regulations concerning the practice and procedmonial Courts to be a : oye : made by the High ure of the Parsi Chief and District MatriCourt, monial Courts in the Presidency or Government in which such High Court shall be established, as it may from time to time consider expedient, and shall have full power from time to time to revoke or alter the same, All such rules, reyo-

cations, and alterations shall be published in the official gazette.?

LIL. The Governor-General of India in Council may invest ; the Chief Executive Officer of any part of

Power to invest Se ; : : oe Chief Executiveofi- British India under the immediate administracer with powers of tion of the Government of India with the

local government. ; i powers vested by this Act in a local government. 1 These rules are published in the Bombay Government Gazette of 27th September 1866.