History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes, str. 336



ACT No. XXI. of 1865.

THE following Act of the Governor-General of India in Council received the assent of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral on the 10th April 1865, and is hereby promulgated for general information :—

An Act to define and amend the Law relating to Intestate Succession among the Parsis.

Whereas it is expedient to define and amend the Law relating to Intestate Succession among the Parsis:

Preamble. A a It is enacted as follows :—

J. Where a Parsi dies leaving a widow and children, the property of which he shall have died intestate? Division of pro- ae “3 : perty among widow Shall be divided among the widow and children, and enidren of in- go that the share of each son shall be double “ the share of the widow, and that her share shall be double the share of each daughter.

II. Where a female Parsi dies leaving a widower and

. children, the property of which she shall haye Rae died intestate shall be divided among the and children of in- widower and such children, so that his share ge shall be double the share of each of the children.

1 As to what property a deceased Parsi is considered to have died intestate, see section 25 of the Indian Succession Act.