History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


said degree of a Baronet is a degree of hereditary dignity, the first-born Son or Heir male apparent and all the rest of the sons and their wives; and the daughters of the said Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai and of his said heirs male respectively, shall haye and take place and precedence before the first-born sons and other sons and their wives and the daughters of all Knights of whatsoever degree or order respectively, and also before the first-born sons and other sons and their wives and the daughters of all persons respectively before whom the fathers of such first-born sons and other sons and daughters by force of these Presents ought to have place and precedence, so that such first-born sons or heirs male apparent and their wives, as well during the lives as after the deaths of their said husbands, for and during their natural lives; and such daughters (those daughters following immediately and next after the wives of the first-born sons of such Baronets) shall have and take place and precedence before the first-born sons and the wives of the first-born sons of every Knight of what degree or order soever; and that the younger sons of the said Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai and of his said heirs male and their wives successively and respectively, as well during the lives as after the deaths of their said husbands for and during their natural lives, shall, in like manner, have and take place and precedence next and immediately after the first-born sons and the wives of first-born sons, and before the younger sons and the wives of the younger sons whatsoever of Knights aforesaid. We will also, and do by these Presents for Us, our Heirs and Suecessors, grant that the said Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai and his heirs male aforesaid shall be named, appealed, called, plead, and be impleaded by the name of Baronet, and that the style and addition of Baronet shall be put at the end of the name of the said Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai and of his said Heirs male in all our Letters Patent, Commissions, and Writs, and all other Charters, Deeds, and Letters, by virtue of these Presents, as the true, lawful, and necessary addition of dignity. We will also, and by these Presents, for Us, our Heirs and Successors, do ordain that before the name of the said Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai and of his Heirs male aforesaid successively, in English speech and in all English writings shall be used and set this addition (to wit) Sir ; —and that in like manner the Wives of the said Sir Jamshedji