History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes



Gaomuira, i, 32

Gaoshosruto-Khratu, ii. 191

Gardhabin kings, i. 25 note

Garodemana, ii. 192

Garotman, ii. 192

Gathas, i, 106, 148 ; ii. 155, 157, 167, 190, 192

Gatha Gahambars, i. 149

Gavashni, ii. 214

Gayer, Sir J., ii. 11 note

Geldner, Dr., ii. 173

Genitoos, i. 246

George-Nama, i. 109 note

Ghi, ii. 106

Ghilji Afghans, i. 56

** Ghistas,” i. 246

Gibbon, ii. 222

“Gifts of the ocean,” ii. 31

Gladwin, quoted, i. 26 note

Glenelg, Lord, ii. 92

Goa, ii. 11, 110

Goad (day of the month), i, 141 3 see Vata

Goad (angel), i. 185

Goam, i. 67

God, Aryan name of, ii. 183-184

Gokaldas Tejpal, Mr., ii. 271

Good Hope, Cape of, ii. 82

Gopipura, ii. 76

Gorab, i. 85

Gordon Mills, ii. 136

Gosh (day of the month), i. 138

Gosh (angel), i. 185

Gosht-i-Fryano, ii. 181

Gosselin, Mr. W., ii. 15 note

Gould jun., Mr. F., ii. 15 note

Goyind Rao Gaikwar, ii. 7

Graham, Mrs., ii. 265

Grant, Captain, ii. 80, 88

Grant, Mr. Charles, ii. 65 note

Grant Medical College, i. 298, 299 cele 89

Great Indian Peninsula Railway. Company, ii. 247

Greeks, the, i. 5, 8; testimony of, 23

Green, Prof. Henry, i. 288

Greenwich Hospital, ii. 103

Guebres, i. 38, 39, 60, 63, 64, 94 note

Gujarat, i, 28, 36 note, 43 and note, 170-171, 205, 215, 217; ii. 2, 3, 6,

32, 37, 38, 43, 58; famine in, 72, 89, 137, 145, 250, 259 Gujarati, i. 252, 281; course of instruction in, 314; class-books, 315 ; 324; magazine, 332 ; ii, 225 Gushtasp, i. 5, 25 note; ii, 146, 148, 152, 153, 154, 162, 210


Hacua, ii. 157

Hadokht, ii. 158, 164

Haechataspa, ii. 150

Haft Ajar, i. 85

Hamaspathmadin, i. 148, 150

Hanmantrao, ii. 42 and note

Hanuman, ii. 229

Hanway’s Travels, ii. 222

Harford, Canon, ii. 288

Harlez, Prof., ii. 159, 163

Harrison, Mr, Edward, ii. 13, 15 note

‘*Has,” the seven, i, 193-196

Hastings, Lord, ii, 44

Haug, Dr., quoted, i. 25 note, 127, 195, 197, 258 ; ii. 148, 149, 155, 157, 159, 163, 166, 175, 176, 184, 186, 190, 192, 193, 196, 197 note, 202, 204, 207, 232, 233

Haurvatad, ii. 186, 191

Hausmann, Baron, ii. 100

Havan, ii. 169

Havarechithra, ii, 155

Heathcote, Mr. J., ii. 13

Heaven, Parsi, ii, 192

Heavens, the Seven, i. 180

Herat, i. 56

Herbads, ii. 161

Hero, the, ii. 72

Herodotus, ii. 185, 206

Hindus, i. 244, 267, 308; prejudices of, li. 229

Hirah, i. 14

Hirjibhai Hormasji Sethna, Mr., i. 279, 242, 322

Hirjibhai Mervanji, Mr., ii. 71

Hujibhai Rastamji Kavasji Patel, Mr., li. 54

Hirji Bhimji, Mr., ii. 124

Hirji Jivanji, Mr., 223 note