History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes

INDEX. 339

Khordad (angel), i. 184; ii. 191

Khordad-Sal, i. 146 ; ii. 182

Khordeh-Avesta, i. 60; ii 165; its meaning, 168 ; its recital, 169 ; 232, 236

Khosru Parvez, i. 13

Khoten, i. 93

Khshathra Vairya, ii. 186, 191

Khshathremeha, ii. 157

Khur, i, 137

Khurshed, i. 185

Khurshed Nyaish, ii. 169

“‘ Khyaityodath,” ii. 163

King George, the, ii. 77

Kinkobs, ii. 249

Kirkham, Mr. T. B., i. 291

Kirkis, i. 12

Kissah-i-Sanjan, i, 27, 28, 30 note, 43 note, 47

Kittredge, Mr. G., ii. 270

Koh-i-Chakmakn, i. 88

Kohiyar’s Gahambar, ii. 38

Kolis, i. 36 note

Konkans, ii. 117 ; the two, 125

Konkanasth Brahmans, i. 26 note

Koran, the, i. 22, 64

Kosmas Indikopleustes, i.

Kotyal, ii, 29

Kufa, i. 20

Kumarika Kshetra, 36 note

Kunashni, ii. 214

Kunku, i. 155

Kurla, ii. 73

Kusti, i. 32, 117, 165, 168

26 note


LANcASHIRE Relief Fund, ii. 144 Lassen, quoted, i. 25 note ; ii. 149 Laubat, M. de Chasseloup, ii. 76 note Lavji Nasarvanji Wadia, Mr., ii. 59, 60 ; employed as shipwright, 60; his skill, 61; constructs dry dock, 62; his death, 63 ; 71, 244 Law, Hon. Stephen, ii. 56 Lee-Warner, Mr. W., i. 319, 320 LeGeyt, Mr., i. 254; ii. 118 Legislative Council, i. 248, 307 Lepers’ Hospital, i. 177 note Living, burying the, i. 211

London, ii. 13; city of, 99 Lord Mayor, the, ii. 99

Lott, Professor Robert, i. 288 Louis Philippe, King, ii. 75 Louise, H.R.H. the Princess, i. 326 Low, Captain T. M., ii. 67 Luard, Mr. R. D., ii. 33 Lughman, i. 94 note

Lutf Ali Khan, i. 57, 59 Lyall, Sir A., i. 77

Lyall, Mr. G., ii. 92

Lydia, i. 6

Lyell, Mr. B., ii. 15 note Lytton, Lord, i. 123


MaAceEpon, King of, i. 126

Macedonia, i. 8

Mackintosh, Sir James, i. 246

Macnelance, Captain, ii. 87

Macudi, i. 25 note, 27 note

Madagascar, ii. 82

Madayn, i. 12, 14, 18, 19, 85

Madegan-i-Ahunyar, ii. 177

Madegan-i- Aivyihnguno-Tushkuk, ii. 1i7

Madegan-i-Atra-Faroba Farukhzadan, ii. 178

Madegan-i-Avadushe Manyhan, ii. 178

Madegan Binae-Frayardin Yome-Khordad, i. 146

Madegan-i-Chutrang, ii. 178

Madegan-i-darui Khursandeh, ii. 178

Madegan-i-Dhurhut, ii. 178

Madegan-i-Goshtfarian, ii. 177

Madegan-i-Guzashte-abalish, ii. 178

Madegan-i-Haft Ameshaspend, ii. 178

Madegan-i-Hushrub Kobad, ii. 178

Madegan-i-Khordad Yum-i-Fravardin bina, ii. 177

Madegan-i-Lak Yom, i. 133; ii. 177

Madegan-i-Madam Chim-i-darun, ii. 177

Madegan-i-Raz Yazdan, ii. 177

Madegan-i-Siroz, ii. 182

Madegan-i-Viraf (Arda Viraf-Nama), TW, 177

Madras, i. 273, 300; ii. 144

Madressa, i, 242; Mulla Firoz, ii.