Indian dancing


to act as his own talent-scout, producer, director, business managet, and virtuoso! There should be State centres where all four atts are encouraged. For the advancement of Indian dancing one of the most Necessary measutes is the opening of a department within a Central Dance Academy that would train promising choreogtaphers. SUMMING UP

The technique of Natataja is so finished that its classical form will persist despite changing styles; but it is imperative to te-assess it in terms of contemporary life, to assimilate, if possible, the old with the new, using the traditional technique as a solid foundation. The pioneers have, often at great personal sacrifice, paved the way for those who follow. The good work must continue.

Dancing, like other arts, can brave all frontiers and link nation with nation. Says Sylvan Levi: ‘From Persia to the China Seas, from the icy regions of Siberia to the islands of Java and Borneo, from Oceania to Socotra, India has propagated her beliefs, her tales, and her civilization. She has left indelible imprints on one-fourth of the human race in the coutse of a long succession of centuries. She has the right to reclaim in universal history the rank that ignorance has refused het for a long time and to hold her place amongst the gteat nations summarizing and symbolizing the Spirit of Humanity.’