Jugoslovenski Rotar

KOČNA IN СЕМТАМЕС 5 ККУАУСА. (Fot. J. Tavčar. Planinski Vestnik.)

toliko stara koliko je staro ı smučanje, a nanaša se ne samo na smučke nego ı na potpunu opremu. Širemu Je svetu nepoznato da su, pored severnih naroda Šveda i Rusa, Jugosloveni treći narod na svetu koji ima za smučke svoj vlastiti domaći izraz „smuči“, dočim ih Švedi i Norvežani imenuju „ski“, a Rusi „lyži“.

Sportno smučarstvo razvilo se Je u Jugoslaviji jedva po svetskom ratu, ipak je danas postiglo ogroman razmah. Vrhovna је organizacija „Jugoslovenski zimskosportski savez“ sa sedištem u Ljubljani, što je razumljivo, budući da je u severozapadnim predelima Kraljevine smučarstvo najbolje razvito. Broj organizovanih smučara iznaša danas približno 24% hiljada. Upravo je toliko, ako ne i više, neorganizovanih smučara.

Za smučarsko skakanje bila je za poslednjih Sest godina sagradjena 31 skakaonica, izmedju kojih je ona u Planici, na tromedji Jugoslavije, Austrije i Italije, najveća na svetu; tamo Je minule sezone bio oznadžbom 92 metra zabeležen najduži skok na svetu. Skakaonica u Planici, gde su lani fenomenalna braća Ruud postavila svetske rekorde, bila je medjutim popravljena tako, da se sada na njoj mogu izvadjati skokovi do sto metara.

nich. It has not yet been ascertained, whether this sport at Bloke is of native origin, or transplanted from the North. The Swedish Professor Wiklund maintains that ski-ing was introduced with us by the Swedes during the Thirty Years’ War. But it is more probable that the skis of Bloke are a local invention. This supposition is confirmed by the original native terminology which is as old as ski-ing itself and comprises the whole outfit. To the world at large it is hardly known that the Yugoslavs are besides the Northern nations (Swedes and Norwegians: »skis“) and the Russians (,lyzi) one of those three peoples who alone have an expression of their own for the skis, viz. „smuči“. Ski-ing as a sport in its proper sense has only developed in Yugoslavia after the world war, yet it has made an enormous progress. The supreme organisation is called „The Yugoslav Winter Sports Association“ with its head office at Ljubljana, as this sport is most prominently developed in the Western portions of the Kingdom. The number of organised sportsmen amounts to about 25.000. But besides that there is at least as big a number of those who are not organised. For practicing jumping with the skis there have been built during the recent six years 31 jumping pallisades. The largest in the
