Jugoslovenski Rotar

brda još u prahistoričko doba, a u historičko doba protegnula se do vrhunaca. Više vekova pred dolaskom Rimljana prebivao je na Pohorju ilirski prarod Noričana ili Tavriska. Kad su u petom veku pre Krista prodirali u alpske pokrajine i proti Pohorju Kelti, domaci su Iliri sagradili po rubu Pohorja gradišća na vsim eksponiranim tačkama, najveće je bilo na istočnom obronku iznad Radvanja kod takozvane „Poštele“, koja je u znanstvenim krugovima po vsem svetu poznata; važno gradišće bilo je takodjer kod Limbuša, na Preseku pri Slovenski Bistrici ı kod Tinja. O tom ı uopšte o prahistoriji Pohorja poučiće interesantan muzej u Mariboru. — Kad su stari Rimljani zaposeli naše krajeve, znali su naći ı dobro iskoristiti do tada neizrabljeno blago Pohorja, naime kamen i vodu. Priredili su opSirne kamenolome; iz pohorskoga kamena gradili su sve važnije zgrade, osobito svetišta u svojem glavnom gradu Poetoviju (Ptuju). Na podnožju crpali su pohorsku vodu ı pohorskim kamenom gradili su po Dravskom polju do Ptuja otprilike zokm dug vodovod; pohorsku vodu pije danas bližnji Maribor, dočim Ptuj žaluje što je nema, Jer Je bilo divlje doba seobe uništilo sve rimske naprave takodjer i na Pohorju. Narod je pako ostao kroz srednji vek u svojim šumskim zatočištima; pomešan doduše krvlju novih doseljenika i osvajača ipak је strukom, puti, bojom kose Još sačuvao vidne tragove svoje osobitosti, prvobitnosti. U srednjemu veku u prvo vreme novoga veka, u feudalno doba svetovnih i crkvenih knezova prisvojili su si zemljišta oko Pohorja i na njima gospotski nasilnici sagradili kao središta svoje oblasti na podnožju, više ili niže, jake gradove, koji većinom još ı sada postoje, a od drugih ostale su razvaline; od Dravograda niz Dravu n. pr.: u Vuzenici, Fali, Limbusu, Radvanju, Bednavi; od istoka proti jugozapadu: u Носата (Hausempacher), Slivynici, Framu, Raéama, Polskavi, Slovenski Bistrici. Na višim mestima Pohorja sazidane su i crkve, ali ne, kako je za slovenske krajeve tipično, da se mogu sa sviju strana videti, nego su sakrite u šumi, tako da ih zapazis Jedva onda, kad već stojiš pred njima; takye su bile: Sv. Areh, Sy. Trije


tions, and the air above the range is healthy and neither too heavy nor too thin on account of the moderate elevation of the range, ist crest running in a slightly curved line in the maximum height between 1000 to 1500 metres above sea level.

Of these topographical and climatical advantages people took use from olden times, as human settlements may be traced up into the mountains already in prehistorical times, being continued to the top in the historical era. Several centuries before the arrival of the Romans the aboriginal Norican race or the Taurisci were living about here. When the Celts in the fifth century before Christ were advancing into the Alpine territories, the native Illyrians built bulwarks along the Pohorye range on all prominent points, the biggest one on the eastern slope above Razvanye, at the so-called ,,Po8tela“, well known to the scientific world. Important strongholds were to be found also at Limbuš, Presek near Slovenska Bistrica and at Tinye. All those interested in these matters and in the earliest history of Pohorye may get further details at the Maribor Museum. — When the old Romans occupied our territories, they understood to take advantage of the so far unused natural treasures of Pohorye, viz. stone and water, on a large scale. They had large quarries made here, as they were using the stone from Pohorye for their buildings and especially their temples at Poetoyium (Ptuj), the provincial capital in those times. They were drawing water at the foot of the Pohorye range and built an aqueduct across the Dravsko Polye to Pruj in the length of about 20 km. The inhabitants of Maribor are to-day drinking water from Pohorye, whilst Ptuj has to complain its loss, as all Roman institutions also about Pohorye were ruined during the migration period. The people through the middle ages remained in the recesses of the woods, retaining in stature, complexion and the colour of the hair many particular features of their original character, although they got to a certain extent mixed with the blood of the new settlers and immigrants. In the middle ages and in the first centuries of the modern era, in the feudal period of the secular and ecclesiastical lords,