Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia



21. Finally, there is no better settled principle of the law of nations than that which forbids the blockade of neutral ports in time of war. The Declaration of London, though not regarded as binding upon the signatories, because not ratified by them, has been expressly adopted by the British Government without modification as to blockade in the British Order in Council of the 29th October I9I4. Article 18 of the Declaration declares specifically that : “ The blockading forces must not bar access to neutral ports or coasts.” This is, in the opinion of this Government, a correct statement of the universally accepted law as it exists to-day, and as it existed prior to the Declaration of London. The meaning of this statement is elucidated by M. Renault in the report of the Drafting Committee upon the convention, in which he states :—

“ This rule has been thought necessary the better to protect the commercial interests of neutral countries ; it completes Article I, according to which a blockade must not extend beyond the ports and coasts of the enemy, which implies that, as it is an operation of war, it must not be directed against a neutral port, 7 spite of the importance to a belligerent of the part played by that port in supplying his adversary.”

As the Conference assembled at London upon the invitation of the British Government, it is important to recall your own instruction to the British delegates, “ setting out the views of His Majesty’s Government founded on the decisions of the British Courts,” in which you say :—

« A blockade must be confined to the ports and coast of the enemy, but it may be instituted of one port or of several ports or of the whole of the sea-board of the enemy. It may be instituted to prevent the ingress only or egress only, or both.” :

You added :—

“ Where the ship does not intend to proceed to the blockaded port, the fact that goods on board are to be