Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia



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14. 15. 16.





Western Front.

Germans invade Belgium.

Bombardment of Liége begins. Visé taken and burned.

Fighting between Germans and Belgians. Lord Kitchener made Secretary for War.

Fall of three Liége forts.

Germans enter Liége. Fighting in Alsace. French enter Altkirch and Mulhouse.

Belgians fall back to the Dyle.

First British troops land in France.

Mulhouse evacuated. Fighting in the Vosges. French successes.

German reverse at Spincourt.

Germans seize Huy. Belgian victory at Haelen.

Failure of German attack on Tirlemont. Germans seize Neufchiteau in the Ardennes.

Rearguard action at Aerschot ; Belgians retreating.

Fall of the last Liége forts. German repulse at Dinant.

Fighting in Belgium.

German advance in force. lemont and Louvain taken. Belgian government moved to Antwerp. French occupy Saarburg. Belgian army retires to Antwerp. French hold the line of the Vosges and occupy Gebweiler and Mulhouse.

Germans enter Brussels. Bombardment of Namur begins. French defeats in Alsace and Lorraine.

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Eastern Front.

Fighting near Libau.

Russians cross into East Prussia.

Russian invasion of East Prussia begins.

Austrians invade Russian Poland.

Russian victory at Sokal,

Russian victory at Gumbinnen.

Russians take Lyck and Goldap.