Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia


Western Front.

French retire from Alsace and Lorraine. Namur forts silenced.

French defeat on the Sambre (Charleroi). French and Belgians defeated outside Namur. Bayarians occupy Lunéville. German advance on Nancy.

Battle of Mons. French defeat on the Meuse. Germans enter Namur. Beginning of the great retreat, Fighting around Nancy.

French retreat across the Meuse. Rearguard fighting. British army reaches Maubeuge. Germans occupy Tournai, but are driven from Malines.

British retreat continued to the

line Cambrai-Le Cateau. Battle of Landrecies. Last Namur forts silenced. Ger-

mans take Sedan.

Battle of Le Cateau. Destruction of Louvain.

British reach St. Quentin. French abandon the line of the Meuse. New French Ministry under M. Viviani. British occupy Ostend.

Capitulation of Longwy. British


Eastern Front.

Germans routed at Frankenau.

Russians take towns in East


Russian army near Koenigsberg.

Battle of Tannenberg begins. Austrians evacuate Novi-Bazar.

Russians seize Tarnopol, and advance on Lemberg.

reach the Oise, and break up |

German cavalry.

Fighting between French and Germans at Lannoy, Guise, and elsewhere.

Allied retreat continued. Germans occupy La Fére and Laon.

Big battle between the Meuse and Rethel. French army falls back all along the line,

Battle of Villers-Cotterets. at Nery. Germans Soissons.

Fight occupy

Battle of Tannenberg ends. Serious Russian defeat. East Prussia evacuated.

Battle of Lemberg begins.

| Russians fall back to the Bug.