Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia



T 1914.







Western Front.

saa British army reaches the Marne,

French Government moves to Bordeaux.

End of the great retreat. Germans within a few miles of Paris. Meeting of Joffre and French.

Allies take the offensive. Battle of the Marne begins.

British advance towards the Marne. Fall of Maubeuge. Desperate struggle for Nancy.

British advance to the Petit Morin. Von Kluck’s army in full retreat. Decisive move by General Foch. Bombardment of Fort Troyon.

Fighting along the Marne. Marked French successes, Hurried retreat of von Buelow’s army. German attack in the Argonne. French offensive from Nancy.

End of the battle of the Marne. Rapid advance of the Allies, Germans evacuate Pont-aMousson. French enter Chilons.

Germans in position on the Aisne. They abandon the line of the Meurthe. French retake Lunéville. Allies begin the passage of the Aisne. Battle between Germans and Belgians begins between Aerschot and Malines. French enter Amiens.

Allied successes on the Aisne.

Severe German counter-attacks on the Aisne.

Eastern Front.

End of the battle of Lemberg ; surrender of the city to the Russians.

Russians advance into the Carpathian passes. Austrian counter-offensive fails.

Great battle between the Vistula and the Dniester begins (Opole and Rava Russka).

German advance into Russia begins. Russian successes in Galicia.

End of the great battles in Galicia. Austrian defeat and retirement towards the San.

Austrians defeated at Tomasov.

Russian retirement to the Niemen. Germans invade Russia. Russians

take Czernowitz.

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