Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia


Southern Front.

the Drina.

End of the battle on | Germans seize Nakob.

Africa and Asia.

British occupy Luderitz Bay.

British troops arrive at Kiao-chau.

British reverse at Sandfontein.

Bombardment and sur-

render of Duala (Cameroons). Prince Heinrich Hill captured by the Japs.

German counter - at-

tack at Kiao-chau repulsed.

Germans beaten back | from Gazi (E. | Africa).


Naval Operations.

H.M.S. Pegasus destroyed off Zanzibar by the Kongsberg.

H.M.S. Cressy, Aboukir, and Hogue torpedoed by the Tg. The Emden fires on Madras.


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