Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia


Western Front. Eastern Front.

22. | Second battle of Ypres begins. | Austrian attack near Stryj ends in

German gas attack. French fall | failure. back. Canadians suffer heavily.

.. 23. | Fighting around Ypres.

.. 24. Second German gas attack. Germans storm St. Julien.

., 25. | British attempt to recover St.|Second Austrian offensive near Julien fails. Stryj begins,

., 26.| Canadians withdrawn from the front line at Ypres. Allied counter-offensive. British airmen destroy Courtrai junction.



TE |

April 21. | Germans driven off ‘“ Hill 60.” J

., 28. | French retake Hartmannsweiler- | Beginning of Mackensen’s great kopf. French airmen bombard | offensive against Russia ; battle Friedrichshafen. of the Donajetz.

,» 30. | Zeppelin raid on East Anglia. May 1. | French throw shells into Metz.

2. | Fresh German gas attack at Ypres. | Germans cross the Biala; Ciezkowice taken. .» 3. | British line at Ypres shortened. C4 5. eG. | Se After fierce fighting the Germans

cross the Wisloka at Jaslo, . 8.| German attack on British line at | Germans cross the Wistok ; RusYpres. sian line broken.

,» 9. | British line pushed back. French attack in Artois begins; successes between Arras and Lens. British attack on Festubert and the Aubers Ridge.

«+ I0.| French SUCCESSES German trenches near Souchez carried. | Zeppelin raid on Southend. ,» II. | Desperate fighting for Carency. |


Russians retire to the San.

.: I2.|Carency captured by the French. Notre Dame de Lorette taken.