Pravo i privreda

матичног предузећа уколико je економска корист из тих послова реализована у целини шш делимично од стране пословних јединица. Ограннчена су у погледу вршења статусних промена и лромена облика предузећа, као и у погледу располагања средствима пословних јединица од којих су органнзована. (чланак примљен; 7. 02.1995. г.) Bogoje Marjanovic, the judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic Serbia

The Status of Enterprises Summary

Hie author discusses the question of status of enterprises which ate, on base of special regulation, organized by parts of enterprises which seats are in the republics which have done the violent secession. He especially treats the question of responsibility of theese enterprises for the obligations of the source enteiprises, and also the regim of means of theese enterprises. The author's position is that there is the continuity between theese enteiprises, but that is not the universal succession, which fact! influences the obligations of source enterprise. The conclusion is that theese enterprises are responsible for the obligations of source enterprise only if the obligations are in connection with the affairs of business unit by whome the social enterprise is founded, in condition that the economic effect of those affairs had direct influence on means which had been left at business unit. Responsibility for the obligations which become in affairs of theese enterprises, concernes the whole property, although there is limit which concernes the right of comitees of government of enteiprises on property. Key words: responsibility - the status transformation - the means of enterprise


Б. Марјановић: Статус предузећа - организованог од дела предузећа на основу посебних прописа - (стр. 65-75)