Radno i socijalno pravo

Проф. др Зорица Мршевић, Пракса заштитника грађана у остваривању и заштити социјалних права, Радно и социјално право, стр. 1-20, ХТУ (2/2010)

times, all mentioned hit more women in accordance with the already established mechanisms of gender inequality. It functions on perfidious and long lasting manner. Not only that number of women targeted by unemployment is increasing but also increase the number of groups of women in that situation. Special marginalisation is not anymore exception becoming more and more common. Gender equality and gender based discrimination in labor market is an issue of social responsibility of all social partners, but also of political will and social dialogue conducted at all levels. The Ombudsman functioned in accordance with his legal mandate, by the way od monitoringof legality and correctness of labor inspection and other administrative subjects. He also cooperated with workers association, addressed his recommendations to mandated administration, used public announcements and legal initiatives, taking by that way care on more efficient realisation of workers rights and protection of their legal interests.

Key words. economic and social rghts in Serbia, wave of dismissed workers, principle of human responsibility, undevided human rights, petitions addressed to the Ombudsman, gender aspect, particularly hit groups of women, cases, degradation of women in transition, functioning of the Ombudsman.