Radno i socijalno pravo

Проф. др Миомира Костић, Тековине социјалне политике ОУН и европских земаља према старијима, Радно и социјално право, cmp. 21-37, XIV (2/2010)

Miomira Kostic, Ph.D. Associate Professor, University of Nis, Law School



In the article the author emphasized that every developed social system of the modern states separates the legal way of elderly discrimination/victimization prevention. The status position of the elder persons, in some specific conditions of the social environment, is limited by their unemployed position and economical, emotional and social load for the younger. But there is an objective gradualy limited fact that all active persons are future unactive part of the population. The elder persons have already given their contribution to the social progress, so during the ,, third“ and the ,, fourth“ period of their lifes, they have all rights to expect help and protection from the society. If young persons have power of making decisions and running the social courses, than influencing to the social position of elder, they also influence to the quality of their own future. Victimization of elder is usually coloured by the great ,,dark number“. Greater risk to the victimization of elder depends on the personal predispositions linked by the end of evolution process in their bodies, as same as on the psychological changes during the ,,third“ time. That way it’s been important to look on some tendencies on the international organizations as well as on the other states (UN, EU, CE).

Key words: elder, documents, social policy; UN; Council of Europe; EU