Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel


sun, and Rayana, the comet, the scene is laid on the Zsland . of Lanka.

In the Tahoe legend the survivors of the civilized race take refuge in a cave, in a mountain on an island. They give the tradition a local habitation in Lake Tahoe.

The Tacullies say God first created an island.

In short, we may say that, wherever any of these legends refer to the locality where the disaster came and where man suryived, the scene is placed upon an island, in the ocean, in the midst of the waters ; and this island, wherever the points of the compass are indicated, lies to the west of Europe and to the east of America: it is, therefore, in the Atlantic Ocean ; and the island, we shall see, is connected with these continents by long bridges or ridges of land.

This island was Atlantis. Ovid says it was the land of Neptune, Poseidon. It is Neptune who cries out for merey. And it is associated with Atlas, the king or god of Atlantis.

Let us go a step further in the argument.