Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel


The Polynesians have no bridge ; they pass the chasm in canoes.

The Vedic Yama of the Hindoos crossed the rapid waters, and showed the way to our Aryan fathers.

The modern Hindoo hopes to get through by holding on to the cow’s tail !

Eyen the African tribes, the Guinea negroes, believe that the land of souls can only be reached by crossing a river.

Among some of the North American tribes “the souls come toa great lake,” (the ocean,) “ where there is a beautiful island, toward which they have to paddle in a canoe of white stone. On the way there arises a storm, and the wicked souls are wrecked, and the heaps of their bones are to be seen under the water, but the good reach the happy island.” * :

The Slavs believed in a pathway or road which led to the other world ; it was both the rainbow (as in the Gothic legends) and the Milky Way ; and, since the journey was Jong, they put boots into the coffin, (for it was made on foot,) and coins to pay the ferrying across a wide sea, even as the Greeks expected to be carried over the Styx by Charon. This abode of the dead, at the end of this long pathway, was an island, a warm, fertile land, called Buyau.t

In their effort to restore the dead men to the happy island -home, the heavenly land, beyond the water, the Norsemen actually set their dead heroes afloat in boats on the open ocean.

Subsequently they raised a great mound over boat, warrior, horses, weapons, and all. These boats are now being dug up in the north of Europe and placed in the

* Tylor’s “Early Mankind,” p. 362. + Poor, “Sanskrit and Kindred Literatures,” pp. 371, 372. —_‘$ Ibid.