Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel


* Herr Klinkerflues’s telegram to Mr. Pogson, of Madras, was to the following effect :

“*November 30th—biela touched the earth on the 27th of November. Search for him near Theta Centauri.’

“The telegram reached Madras, through Russia, in one hour and thirty-five minutes, and the sequel of this curious passage of astronomical romance may be appropriately told in the words in which Mr. Pogson replied to Herr Klinkerfiues’s pithy message. The answer was dated Madras, the 6th of December, and was in the following words :

“< On the 30th of November, at sixteen hours, the time of the comet rising here, I was at my post, but hopelessly ; clouds and rain gave me no chance. ‘The next morning I had the same bad luck. But on the third trial, with a line of blue break, about 174 hours mean time, T Sound Biela immediately | Only four comparisons in successive minutes could be obtained, in strong morning twilight, with an anonymous star ; but direct motion of 2°35 seconds decided that I had got the comet all right. I noted it—circular, bright, with a decided nucleus, “but Xo TAIL, and about forty-five seconds in diameter. Next morning I got seven good comparisons with an anonymous star, showing a motion of 17:9 seconds in twenty-eight minutes, and I also got two comparisons with a Madras star in our current catalogue, and with 7,734 Taylor. Iwas too anxious to secure one good place for the one in hand to look for the other comet, and the fourth morning was cloudy and rainy.’

“ Herr Klinkerflues’s commentary upon this communication was that he forthwith proceeded to satisfy himself that no provoking accident had led to the discovery of a comet altogether’ unconnected with Biela’s, although in this particular place, and that he was ultimately quite confident of the identity of the comet observed by Mr. Pogson with one of the two heads of Biela. It was subsequently settled that Mr. Pogson had, most probably, seen both heads of the comet, one on the first occasion of his successful search, and the second on the following day; and the meteor-shower experienced in Europe on November 27th was unquestionably due to the passage