Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

List of Publications. 9

fre RM Ballads, Festivals, and Legends. See “ Rose Library.”

fauriel (Claude) Last Days of the Consulate. Cr. 8vo, tos. 6d. faweett (Edgar) A Gentleman of Leisure. 1s. feilden (H. St. C.) Some Public Schools, their Cost and

Scholarships. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.

Fenn (G. Manville) Off to the Wilds: A Story for Boys. Profusely Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. ; also 5s.

The Silver Cation: a Tale of the Western Plains. Illustrated, small post Syo, gilt, 6s.; plainer, 5s.

fennel (Greville) Book of the Roach, New Edition, rzmo, 2s. ferns, See HEATH.

Fields (J. T.) Vesterdays with Authors. New Ed., 8vo, tos. 6d. Fleming (Sandford) England and Canada: a Summer Tour.

Crown 8vo, 6s.

Florence. See “ Yriarte.” Folkard (R., Jun.) Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics. Tllustrated, Syo, 16s.

Forbes (Hf. O.) Naturalis?s Wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago. Illustrated, 8yo, 215.

Foreign Countries and British Colonies. A series of Descriptive Handbooks. Crown 8yo, 3s. 6¢. each.

Australia, by J. F. Vesey Fitzgerald. | Peru, by Clements R. Markham, Austria, by D. Kay, F.R.G.S. CB.

*Canada, by W. Fraser Rae. Russia, by W. R. Morfill, M.A. Denmark and Iceland, by E.C.Otté. | Spain, by Rev. Wentworth Webster. Egypt, by S. Lane Poole, B.A. Sweden and Norway, by F. H. France, by Miss M. Roberts. Woods.

Germany, by S. Baring-Gould. *Switzerland, by W. A. P. Coolidge, Greece, by L. Sergeant, B.A. M.A.

“Holland, by R. L. Poole. *Turkey-in-Asia, by J. C. McCoan,

Japan, by S. Mossman. | M.P.

*New Zealand. West Indies, by C. H. Eden, *Persia, by Major-Gen. Sir F. Gold- | F-RG.S. smid.

* Not ready yet.

fFianpton (Mary) Journal, Letters, and Anecdotes, 14991846. $8yo, 145.