Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

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Larden (W.) School Course on Heat. Second Edition, Illus-

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Leonardo da Vinci’s Literary Works. Edited by Dr. Jean PauL RicHTER. Containing his Writings on Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, his Philosophical Maxims, Humorous Writings, and Miscellaneous Notes on Personal Events, on his Contemporaries, on Literature, &c. ; published from Manuscripts. 2 vols., imperial Syo, containing about 200 Drawings in Autotype Reproductions, and numerous other Illustrations. Twelve Guineas.

Library of Religious Poetry. Best Poems of all Ages. Edited by ScHAFF and GILMAN. Royal 8yo, 21s. 3 Te-issue in cheaper binding, 10s. 6d,

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Long (Mrs.) Peace and War in the Transvaal. I2mo, 35. 6d. Lowell (J. R.) Life of Nathaniel Hawthorn.

Low (Sampson, Jun.) Sanitary Sugeestions. Illustrated, crown Syo, 2s. 6d.

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