Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

List of Publications. 21

VEZ W Zealand. See BRADSHAW.

New Zealand Rulers and Statesmen. See GISBORNE. Newbigein's Sketches and Tales. 18m0, 45.

Nicholls (J. H. Kerry) The King Country: Explorations in New Zealand. Many Illustrations and Map. New Edition, Svo, 21s.

Nicholson (C.) Work and Workers of the British Association.

12mo, Is. Nixon (J.) Complete Story of the Transvaal. 8vo, 125. 6d.

Nordhoff (C.) California, for Health, Pleasure, and Residence. New Edition, 8vo, with Maps and Illustrations, 125. 6d.

Northbrook Gallery. Edited by Lord Ronald Gower. 36 Permanent Photographs. Imperial 4to, 63s.; large paper, 105s.

Nursery Playmates (Prince of). 217 Coloured Pictures for Children by eminent Artists. Folio, in coloured boards, 6s.

OQ PRIEN (2. B.) Fifty Years of Concessions to Lreland, With a Portrait of T. Drummond. Vol. I., 16s. ; II., 16s.

Orvis (C. F) Fishing with the Fly, Wustrated. S8vo, 12s. 6d.

Our Little Ones in Heaven. Edited by the Rev. H. Roseins. With Frontispiece after Sir JosHuA RryNoLps. New Edition, 5s.

Owen (Douglas) Marine Insurance Notes and Clauses, New Edition, 145,

PALLISER (Mrs.) A History of Lace. New Edition, with

additional cuts and text. 8vo, 215.

The China Collectors Pocket Companion. With up-

wards of 1000 Illustrations of Marks and Monograms. Small 8yo, 55. Pascoe (C. E.) London of To-Day. Illust., crown 8vo, 35. 62. Pharmacopeia of the United States of America. 8yo, 215. Philpot (#1. J.) Diabetes Mellitus. Crown 8vo, 5s.

Diet System. Three Tables, in cases, 15. each,