Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

Lust of Publications. 25

Russell (W. Clark) The Lady Maud. 3 vols., 31s. 6.3 1 vol., 6s.

—— Little Zoo. New Edition, small post 8vo, 6s.

My Watch Below; or, Yarns Spun when off Duty, Small post 8vo, 6s.

——— Sailor's Language. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.

Sea Queen. 3 vols., 315. 6d.; 1 vol, 6s.

Strange Voyage. Nautical Novel. 3 vols., crown 8yo, 3Is. 6d.

Wreck of the Grosvenor. 4to, sewed, 6d. ——w— See also Low’s StanpDARD NOVELS.

SAA. SS and their Symbols: A Companion in the Churches and Picture Galleries of Europe. Illustrated. Royal 16mo, 3s. 62.

Salisbury (Lord) Life and Speeches. By F.S. Pulling, M.A.

With Photogravure Portrait of Lord Salisbury. 2 vols., crown 8vo, 2Is.

Saunders (A.) Our Domestic Birds: Poultry in England and

New Zealand. Crown 8vo, 6s. Scherr (Prof. F .) History of English Literature. Cr. 8yo, 8s. 6a. Schley. Rescue of Greely. Maps and Illustrations, 8vo, 12s. 6d. Schuyler (Eugene). The Life of Peter the Great. By EvcENE

SCHUYLER, Author of “Turkestan.” 2 vols., Svo, 325.

Schweinfurth (Georg) Heart of Africa. Three Years’ Travels and Adventures in the Unexplored Regions of Central Africa, from 1868 to 1871. Illustrations and large Map. 2 vols., crown Syo, 15s.

Scott (Leader) Renaissance of Art in Italy. 4to, 315. 6d.

Sea, River, and Creek. By GARBOARDSTREYKE. Z/e Eastern Coast. 12mo, Is.

Senior (W.) Waterside Sketches. Imp. 32m0, 15.6d., boards, ts.

Shadbolt and Mackinnon’s South African Campaign, 1879.

Containing a portrait and biography of every officer who lost his life. 4to, handsomely bound, 2/. ros,