Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

List of Publications. - 27

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Somerset (Lady H.) Our Village Life. Words and Illustrations. Thirty Coloured Plates, royal 4to, fancy covers, 5s.

Spanish and French Artists. By GERARD SMITH. (Poynter's Art Text-books.) 55.

Spiers French Dictionary. 29th Edition, remodelled. 2 vols., 8vo, 18s.; half bound, 21s.

Spry (W. J.J RN.) Cruise of H.M.S. “ Challenger.” With many Illustrations. 6th Edition, 8vo, cloth, 18s. Cheap Edition, crown 8yo, 7s. 6d.

Spyri (Foh.) Heidi's Early Experiences: a Story for Children’ and those who love Children. Illustrated, small post 8vo, 4s. 6d.

— Heidi's Further Experiences. Ulust., sm. post 8vo, 45. 62. Stanley (H. M1.) Congo, and Founding its Free State. (lustrated, 2 vols., 8vo, 425. -

How I Found Livingstone. 8vo, tos. 6d. ; cr. 8vo, 75. 6d.

-_—-~ Through the Dark Continent. Crown 8vo, 12s. 6d. Stenhouse (Mrs.) An Englishwoman in Utah. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. Stevens (E. W.) Fly-Fishing in Maine Lakes. 8s..6d.

Stockton (Frank R.) The Story of Viteau. With 16 page

Illustrations. Crown $vo, 5. Stoker (Bram) Under the Sunset. Crown 8vo, 6s. Stowe (Mrs. Beecher) Dred. Cloth, gilt edges, 3s. 6¢.; boards, 2s. Little Foxes. Cheap Ed., 1s.; Library Edition, 4s. 6d. My Wife and I. Small post 8vo, 6s. —_—_— Qld Town Folk. 6s.; Cheap Edition, 3s. ——— Old Town Fireside Stories. Cloth extra, 35. 6d. —— We and our Neighbours. Small post 8vo, 6s.

Poganuc People: their Loves and Lives. Crown 8vyo, 6s.

——— Chimney Corner. 1s.; cloth, 1s. 6d. ——— See also Rose LIBRARY.